Sunday, September 18, 2016

Displaying Page Specific Espots in WCS

We can create E-spots through management center to display static content/assets in different customer facing pages such as home page, category page, search result page etc. Most of the times, business users wanted to display category specific contents in various categories. For eg. if the customer is viewing a category page which lists down "chairs", business users want to display some contents specific to chairs where as while viewing "Sofa" category page, the business users might want to show Sofa related contents and promotion information to the user.

The above requirement can be achieved in two ways through the configuration in management center.

Let me first talk about configuring Dynamic E-spots through CMC using pagelayout and widget option.

With the introduction of "Commerce Composer", the browse specific page design and layouts can be completely controlled through Management Center. If we want to display an additional section in a page, we can simply drag and drop the required widget in the slot where we need to display the information to the user.

Similar way, we can insert an additional E-spot in the page layout of category page to display the page specific dynamic contents. For that,

a) Navigate to the commerce composer section in Management center (CMC). select the pagelayout in which the page specific E-Spot need to be applied. Click on the Design Layout tab as shown below.

b) Click on the slot where you want to insert the E-spot. An "AddWidgets to Slots" popup will be displayed. Scroll down and select "E-Marketing Widget" from this popup. Click OK

c) The E-spot will get inserted into the page layout and you will be taken to configure widget section as shown below. As you can see, there is an E-Marketing Spot type section where you can mention what type of widget need to be displayed. Since we are looking for a page specific dynamic espot, select the option "Page-specific e-Marketing Spot".

d) On selecting the option, the below section will be displayed where we need to specify an suffix. This suffix will be used to name the E-spot. By default, it will looks for E-spot with name [page_name][suffix]. For example,if you are configuring it for chair category page, it will look for an espot with name "chairpromoconent" (in this example).

e) Click on "Save".

Now we have to create espots for each of the pages in the format [page_name][suffix]. If the espot is not created, nothing will be displayed in the screen and user can view all the remaining widgets which are applied on the screen.

This is the simplest option of configuring page specific espots.

The other method of configuring dynamic espot will be using webactivities which I will explain in my next blog.

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