Sunday, November 29, 2015

Updating SOLR REST configuration

If you need to change the port used by Solr REST calls in WCS7 FEP8, please follow the below steps.

1. Start the test server in RAD.
2. Launch admin console.
3. In admin console, navigate to Environment -> Naming -> Name space bindings
4. Update the values of the  following resources to use the new port rather than default port 80.
5. Restart the server for changes to take effect.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Limiting Number Of Items in Shopping Cart (FEP 8)

If there is a business requirement to limit the number of items to be added in cart, no need to go with customizing the code. This can be achieved by modifying the configurations in wc-admin-component.xml inside WC/xml/config/ folder.

The following attributes inside the grouping ShoppingCartThreshold can be modified for this.
  • size for maximum allowed items in an cart.
  • quantity for maximum quantity of an item in cart.

<_config:configgrouping name="ShoppingCartThreshold">
            <_config:property name="size" value="10"/>
            <_config:property name="quantity" value="5"/>
            <_config:property name="defaultPageSize" value="100"/>
            <_config:property name="maximumPageSize" value="100"/>

Changing formatter configuration in RAD

While coding, as a best practice, we need to ensure the quality of the code. There are multiple criteria based on which the code quality is evaluated. One of them is formatting. RAD has in-built support for formatting, which can be modified as per the project needs.

The steps to change the settings of the formatter in RAD are given below.

1. Open RAD, go to Windows -> Preferences option.
2. In Preferences window, navigate to Java -> Code Style -> Formatter.

3. One profile name will be displayed by default as the active profile.
4.     Click "New" and provide a custom profile name. If a custom profile already exists and you want to edit it, click on "Edit" button
5.     Make changes in the following window as required and save it.

Creating a new Commerce Composer Widget

From feature pack 7 of WCS 7 onwards, a new feature called commence composer is introduced which will help the business to change the layout & alignment of widgets without much involvement from IT team. Widgets are independent components which can be plugged anywhere and will perform the pre-defined functionalities.

WCS feature pack 7 and later versions are coming with a set of pre-defined layouts and widgets which can be applied on the browse pages. Even we can define our own custom layouts & widgets, if the ones provided by WCS doesn’t fit into our requirement.

Given below are the steps to be followed for creating a new widget. 

1. Generating commerce composer widget source

We use a Java Emitter Template (JET) Transformation to generate the source code files that are required to create a Commerce composer widget.

  •  Create a new project in the Websphere commerce workspace.
  • Inside this project folder, create a pattern input file for JET Transformation. Contents of the input XML file should be as follows:

<pageLayout vendor="TestCompany">
    <widgetDef identifier="Test"
      displayName="Sample widget"
   description="This widget is for learning purpose" >

The name of your company
The external reference name for the widget or container definition. This must be unique.
The name that identifies the Management Center object and object definition of this widget.
The language-specific display name of the widget
The language-specific description for the widget.

  • Right click the pattern input file and run JET Transformation.
  • The JET Transformation generates a set of file directories and files that can be used to create the custom widget. The generated file directories contain three main folders: LOBTools, Stores and DataLoad.

2. Defining the Storefront assets for a site-level widget

  • Copy the generated source code files for your widget storefront assets from your project folder to the appropriate location within the default Stores project.
  • Modify the source files to suit the functionality of the widget.
  • All the JSPs, JSPFs, images and property files required by the widget should be moved to this location.

3. Testing the widget in the store

  •  Import the base JSP of the widget in any of the available pages of your store. Suppose, Test.jsp corresponds to the base JSP of the custom widget. This file can be imported in TopCategoriesDisplay.jsp which is the base JSP of default Home page.
  •  Navigate to the Home Page in the site and debug the widget source files in case of errors.

 4. Loading widget into the database by using data load utility

In this step, Data load utility is used to register the custom widget and to make the store to subscribe to the widget.

  • Open the new project folder created for the custom widget.
  • Open the registerWidgetdef.csv for editing. This input file is used to load widget definition into PLWIDGETDEF and PLWIDGETDEFDESC database tables. This file is also used to register the custom widget within the Commerce composer framework. The file should contain the following property definitions:

The external reference name for the widget definition. This value should be unique.
The name that displays within the Commerce Composer tool in Management Center to help business users identify the widget.

The name that identifies the Management Center object and definition of the widget.
The name of the company or vendor that created the widget.
The type of the widget.
The possible values for the property are:
1 - Widget
2 - Container

Ensure that the specified value is 1.
The relative path to the entry point top-level JSP file for the widget.
The XML definition for the dynamic properties of the widget.
The state of the widget registration. The possible values for the property are:
·         1-Active
·         2-Inactive
Set the value as 1.
The unique reference number of the store in which you are registering the widget.
Possible values are:
·          0 – Site Level Widget
·         Store Identifier – Store Level Widget
The description that displays for the widget within the Commerce Composer tool in Management Center to help business users identify the widget
A flag that indicates whether to delete the widget definition. Possible values are 0 and 1.

·         Specify 1 to delete the widget.
·         The default value is 0, which indicates that the Data Load utility is to load the information for the row into the database.

  • Open the subscribeWidgetdef.csv file for editing. The subscribeWidgetdef.csv input file loads data into the PLSTOREWIDGET database table. This input file is used to subscribe additional stores to the widget. This CSV input file can also be used to override the definition xml of the widget for a store. The file should contain the following property definitions:

The external reference name for the widget definition
The XML definition for the dynamic properties of the widget
The state of the widget registration. The possible values for the property are:
          1 – Active
          2 - Inactive
A flag that indicates whether to delete the widget definition. Possible values are 0 and 1.

Specify 1 to delete the widget.
The default value is 0, which indicates that the Data Load utility is to load the information for the row into the database.

  • In the DataLoad directory within the new project directory, open the wc-dataload-env.xml file for editing. The wc-dataload-env.xml file is the data load environment configuration file that is generated to help to configure and run the Data Load utility. Update the file to match your database and environment settings.
  • Stop the WCS Test server. Run the following command to load the input CSV files to register the  widget and to have a store subscribe to the widget:
Dataload.bat workspace_dir\NewWidgetProject\DataLoad\widget\wc-dataload-widget.xml

5. Extending resource bundle and properties files

  • Copy the generated resource bundle and properties file into your default directory workspace structure. I.e. Copy the ‘Testcompany’ directory from workspace_dir\NewWidgetProject\LOBTools\src\com and paste it in the path workspace_dir\LOBTools\Java Resources\src directory. Refresh the LOBTools directory within default workspace. Ensure that package exists in the LOBTools\Java Resources\src directory.
  • Expand the package in LOBTools\Java Resources\src directory. Open the and files for editing. Define any additional translatable text for the new widget by adding code into both these files.
  • Copy the generated resource bundle extension into your default workspace directory structure and register the new widget specific properties files. I.e. copy the mycompany directory from NewWidgetProject\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx and paste it in the location LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx directory.
  • Update the default Commerce Composer resource bundle library to include the new resource bundle extension. Copy the generated code that includes the new widget resource bundle from NewWidgetProject\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\commerce\pagelayout\PageLayoutExtensionsLibrary.lzx and paste it in the file LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\commerce\pagelayout\ PageLayoutExtensionsLibrary.lzx The generated code can resemble the following:

<! -- Include the file to add any custom libraries. -->
  <include href="../../mycompany/pagelayout/mycompanyPageLayoutResourceBundle.lzx"/>

6. Define the object definition for widget

  • The object definition adds support for the widget object within the Management Center framework.
  •  Copy the generated object definition files for the custom widget into the default workspace directory structure. i.e. Copy the testcompany directory from NewWidgetProject\LOBTools\WebContent\config and paste it in the location LOBTools\WebContent\config
  • Go to the directory LOBTools\WebContent\config\mycompany\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions\testWidget and open the file WidgetObjectDefinition.def for editing. By default, a sample code will be generated for the widget object definition.

<? Xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<! -- The following code is created as example. Modify the generated code and add any additional required code.  -->
  <WidgetObjectDefinition package="plm"
    <CreateService baseDefinitionName="plmBaseCreateLayoutWidget" />
    <UpdateService baseDefinitionName="plmBaseUpdateLayoutWidget" />
    <Xml name="template">


The file path to the icon that displays for the custom widget within the Add Widgets to Slots window in the Commerce Composer tool.
The widget object type and the name of the properties definition for the custom widget.
The widget definition name for the parent widget definitions. The definition name must be included so that the object definition can be retrieved for use in Management Center for the custom widget.
The definition name for the object definition of the custom widget, which must be unique in your workspace.

7. Define the properties view definition for widget
  • The properties view definition file specifies how to render the Management Center properties view for a widget. It contains the configurable properties that business users can set when the widget is included in a page layout.
  • Go to the location LOBTools\WebContent\config\mycompany\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions\TestWidget directory within the default workspace directory structure and open the WidgetPropertiesView.def file for editing.
  • The default code generated for this file can resemble the following:
<? Xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<! -- The following code is created as example. Modify the generated code and add any additional required code. -->
<GridObjectProperties definitionName="plmWidgetProperties_TestWidget">
    <PropertyGroup name="widgetProperties" collapsable="false" groupTitle="${plmPageLayoutResources.widgetPropertiesPrompt}">
      <PropertyInputText name="${plmPageLayoutResources.widgetNamePrompt}" propertyName="widgetName"
      promptText="${plmPageLayoutResources.widgetNamePrompt}" />
    <PropertyGroup name="contentProperties" collapsable="false" groupTitle="${plmPageLayoutResources.widgetContentPrompt}">
      <PropertyStaticText text="${mycompanyPageLayoutResources.TestWidgetContent}" />

8. Test the new widget in management center

  • Open Commerce Composer Tool in Management center.
  • Select any layout from Layouts folder.
  • In the ‘manage layout’ section assign a page to the layout selected.
  • In the ‘Design layout’ section click on any of the slots of the wireframe.
  • A popup with the title ‘Add widgets to slots’ appears. It contains the list of all widgets available in the store. Check if the newly created widget is available in the list.
  • If yes, click on the widget and select OK.
  • Click on save and launch preview to see the widget.

If you are developing widget for the first time and looking for simple steps to achieve this in WCS 8, refer my latest post .


What is Java?

Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language. It is used to develop different type of Software Applications. 

It is structured and platform independent language.
Java is both compiler and interpreter language

Write once/Read anywhere – code that can be run on variety of CPU under different environment.
The Java compiler (javac) will compile the java source file (.java file) to Universal byte code (.class file).  It is a native, which is portable and can be easily executed on all operating systems. Bytes codes usually will be in hexadecimal format and this will be same on every platform. So these bytes code can be transferred from one machine to another (Java is Portable).

The JVM – the interpreter translate this byte codes to machine code and execute the machine language instructions. The machine language is OS dependent.

Java Source Code (.Java file)  à Java Compiler (javac/JIT) Translate à Universal byte codes ( .Class file) à JVM(java)à decodes byte codes to machine language code. And load and execute individual program.

C & C++ are not platform independent:  it requires a full compiler target for that CPU it is expensive and time consuming.

Servlet Filters

A filter is a small web components that dynamically intercepts requests and responses to view and manipulate data that is exchanging between client and server. Filter will intercept and examine the request before the servlet invocation. This will modify the request by changing header and data of a request by creating a wrapper for the real request (I/P filtering). Also they will intercept and modify the response after the servlet invocation by creating a wrapper for the real response (O/P filtering) .

They are preprocessors of the request before it reaches a servlet, and postprocessors of the response leaving a servlet.

Servlet filters are pluggable Web components. We are defining this in web.xml. We can add and remove the entry from the web.xml without changing the servlet.
There can be more than one filter to one or more servlets.2 filters can have same url mapping
It will execute in the order that you placed in web.xml to execute.

Servlet filters also can attach to JavaServer Pages (JSP) files and HTML pages.

When to Use Filters:

Use a Filter when you want to filter and/or modify requests based on specific conditions.
Logging data about the request or response, processing security protocols, managing session attributes, and more.
  •  User authentication/security: If additional authentication or additional processing is required before and after authentication. Placing security logic into a filter rather than a servlet or JSP page provides tremendous flexibility. During development, the filter can be turned off (comment out of web.xml). In production, the filter is turned back on. Also, multiple filters can be added to provide increasing levels of security, encryption, and non-repudiation services as necessary.
  • Logging: Logging (as browser type, time of day, forwarding URL, etc ) data about the request or response.
  • Performance: decompress the request and compress the response.
  • Session-handling: Using a filter to manage your session data .
  • XSLT transformation: The filter will intercept this XML before it is sent to the client browser and apply an XSLT transformation.