While hearing ‘Static’ itself, we will be sure that the state of this will
be static, ie it does not depends on object (values will not vary for each
object). For accessing static things (variable, method, block, class) no need
to create an instances.
SIB is used to initialize Static variables. It is execute when a
class is first loaded, before loading main method. It is executed for every
class loading.
This is normal block and all the code will be enclosed in {} and
it should preceded with static
static { …………………… }
public class staticblock {
static int i;
int j;
// start of static block
static {
i = 10;
// j = 5; : compilation error
: cannot make a static reference to
non-static field 'j'
System.out.println("First static block called
// end of static block
System.out.println("Constructor called .......value
of i....." +i);
void test() {
staticblock.i = staticblock.i +5; // i = i+5 also correct
System.out.println("inside method test .......value of i....." +i);
static {
System.out.println("Second static block .........i="+i);
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(" Main is called .....");
System.out.println("value of satic variable
from main class ..i ="+i);
staticblock s = new staticblock();
s1 = new staticblock();
static {
//test(); :
compilation error:can't make refernce to non-static method
System.out.println("Third static block.........i="+i);
public static void staticMethod() {
i = i +5;
System.out.println("This is static
public static void staticMethod2() {
System.out.println("This is static
Executes before main at the time of class
loading :
Static Block are not declared in main method.
Since its loading happening before the main method, when the class is loaded into JVMi.e. initializes when class load into
memory, it means when JVM read the byte code. So the creation of static block
is happening before the main method.
Used to initialize static data members:
That variables
that initialized in static blocks are shared by all the objects of that class. (You can thought it like constructor of a
class !!!). This block is belong to class to initialize class variables(static
A class can have
any number of static initialization blocks. And they execute in the order as
they appears in the class (in source code).And can written anywhere in the
program (not inside main method)
JVM combines all the static blocks into a
single static block, as the order in that they appears in the source and then
execute. If the block contain any static methods then that also execute.
Static blocks will be called only once at the
class loading time.
You can’t throw
checked exceptions, no return statement , can’t use this and super reference
from this ‘static block’
JVM Limitation
: static initializer block should not exceed 64K
Where to use?
Class has static members that requires complex
We want check some scenarios before execution
of main block. E.g to find what O.S your using(wants to develop some
applications that will run alone in windows)
- For loading
E.g You want to initialize a JDBC
driver connection. This connection is constant for all over the program
static connection conn = null;
static {
try {
Conn =
} catch (SQLException se) {
Logging purpose – For initializing loggers.
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